# A Brief Introduction to Kibana
When you log in to a CoB server for the first time, the first thing you will see is most likely going to be a dashboard, that is, a collection of panels from where you can search, visualize and analyze all your data sources. These dashboards are built with the help of Kibana (opens new window), a free and open frontend application. Kibana is most often seen as ElasticSearch (opens new window)'s user interface. ElasticSearch is the search engine and data indexer used by the CoB platform. Both Kibana and Elasticsearch are part of the Elastic Stack - previously known as the ELK Stack after Elasticsearch, Logstash (opens new window), and Kibana.
In order to create dashboards based on the data stored on your CoB server, check if Kibana is already installed on your server by accessing a URL similar to name_of_your_server.cultofbits.com/kibana

From there, you can start creating your panels. Before advancing further, we recommend you to read all the articles from the New to Kibana and Analyze your data sections of the Kibana Guide (opens new window).