# Label Component

The label component is used to insert a label text on a board to identify something. We might use the label component to add a title or to add a small description to another component. The label content can be a simple text or an html content.

parameter description
LabelCustomize is used to add css style and image background to the entire label section
Label contains the contain of the label that will be displayed on the page. The content can be simple text or html

# Example:

The following image shows an example of a label component which is used to describe a listing of record counts:

BoardClasses: `col-span-12 md:col-span-12 rounded-md border border-gray-300 bg-white bg-opacity-70 p-4 m-1` </br>

LabelClasses: `text-center font-bold pb-2 border-b-2 border-red-600` </br>

Label: `The <span class="text-blue-600">Numbers</span> of records in <span class="text-green-600">Country Series</span> of the countries  
that speak portuguese (<a class="text-sky-500" href="https://www.gov.br/mre/en/subjects/international-mechanisms/inter-regional-mechanisms/community-of-portuguese-language-countries#:~:text=The%20Community%20of%20Portuguese%20Language,Principe%2C%20and%20Timor%2DLeste.">CPLP</a>)`
Figure 1. Label Creation.
Figure 2. Result of the applied label.