# The equips Scope

The purpose of this scope is to control access to the to the various aspects of device manipulation.

# Actions of the equips domain

Name Description
create Permission that controls the ability to create new devices.
read Permission that controls access to the device listing and its data.
update Permission that controls the ability to change equipment data (you need the equips:read permission to be able to preview the device data).
delete Permission that controls the ability to delete devices (needs the equips:read permission to be able to access the device listing).
import Permission that controls the ability to import a file with an equipment listing. You also need the equips:update and/or equips:create permissions to update and/or create devices, respectively.
configuration Permission that controls the deletion of equipment (needs the equips:read permission to be able to pre-list the equipment and jobreqs:read to see the result).
command Permission that controls the execution of device commands (needs the equips:read permission to be able to pre-list the devices and jobreqs:read to see the result).

# Specific entities and possible filters of the equips domain


Name Description
Name of the device The name of the device at hand.


Name Description
name Example: (name:rt012*).
ip Example: (ip:172.16.240.*).
manager_email Example: (manager_email:172.16.240.*).
state Example: (state:quarantine).
any field associated via integration Example: (location:Lisbon AND regional:sul).