# $commons.validate
- Unique value fields
This costumization provides generic keywords that will extend your RecordM validation capabilities.
# Install:
cob-cli customize commons-validators
Requires RecordM restart
# Usage:
$common.validate(<validation 1>,<validation 2>, ...)
Parameter | Description |
email | Will ensure that the field has valid email address |
uniqueValue(showLink=<true, false>) | Use it when you want to ensure that a field has a value that is unique in the entire definition data. One of the most typical scenario for using the uniqueValue validation is when you want to ensure that in a user definition no two users have the same username |
regex(<regex>) | To validate that the value follows a specific format. |
# Examples:
# 1. Making the user username
unique in a User Data
Username: $commons.validate(uniqueValue(showLink=true))
# 2. Validating an email
Username: $commons.validate(email)
# 2. Validating an IP
IP: $commons.validate(regex(^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)\.?\b){4}$))