# $auto.network().offset() - Auto-changing Network Fields

A field for displaying an IP address that is dynamically built and calculated from another field from the same definition contaning a base IP address. This is useful when you need the extract the Internet address of an Internet router or of a printer.

# Usage:

$auto.network(base IP field).offset(n)

While the argument of $auto.network() needs to be an internal field containing an IP address, the argument of .offset() defines the number to be used as an offset of that IP address.

# Examples:

In the example included below, the IP router field has a $auto.network(IP base).offset(1) keyword. With this we want to state that, at the instance level, the value of this field will be pre-filled with a read-only copy of the network address given as a value in the IP base field with the offset of 1. On the IP Lexmark printer field, on the other hand, we have a $auto.network(IP base).offset(3) keyword. This time we are stating that its value will be pre-filled with a read-only copy of the same network address provided in IP base with the offset of 3.