# Adding Permissions to Roles

After creating a permission, you need to add it to a role. This role, in turn, has to be included in a group. This is only way of taking advantage of newly created permissions available to end users.

# Adding a single permission to a role

To add a permission to a role just click on the down arrow next to the DETAILS button in the permission row:

Then, click on the blue Add to Role(s) button. A list of available group options will appear:

Select the roles(s) to which you want to add the permission and click on the green Add to Role(s) button. To select more than one role, click on top of each role name while pressing the control key (in Windows and Linux) key or the command key (in Mac) of your keyboard.

To see a real example of how to add a single permission to a role, check the video included below:

# Adding several permissions to a role

If you want to add several permissions at once to a role, start by selecting all the permissions you want to include. This can be done by clicking on the checkboxes next to each Name. Once here, click on the Add to Role(s) button on the toolbar located on the upper left side of the permissions listing. The remaining steps are identical to adding a single permission to a role.

See the video included below if you want to learn how do add several permissions at once to a role: