# Message Handler Scripts

As described in section Groovy Scripts, these are scripts executed whenever IntegrationM receives a new message. In the local repository they are stored at /integrationm/scripts, and in the server machine they are deplyed at /etc/integrationm/scripts.

In this section we will describe the arguments passed to every script, and we will give a few examples.

# Script Argument

A message script handler will receive an instance of a RecordmMsg (opens new window) java object with the information about the event that generated it. The message has the following format:

	 "product": "recordm",
	 "user": "admin",
	 "action": "add",
	 "type": "Employee",
	 "instance": {...}

A complete list of the methods and operations supported by this message argument can be found at RecordmMsg (opens new window) page.

# product

It is the name of the server which generated this event. The supported string values are:

  • recordm
  • confm

These values indicate that the messages come from the the servers RecordM and DeviceM respectively.

# user

It is the user that performed the action which generated this message. For example, when a user creates a record on the frontend application, this field will have the string username of the user.

It only allows the username of the users registered in UserM.

# action

The action field indicates the action performed on the server that generated the event. The supported string values are:

  • add
  • update
  • delete

# type

It is the name of the definition on RecordM upon which the operation was made.

# instance

It is a Java object (opens new window) which represent the RecordM record that was created/deleted/updated.

# Example

the file: /integrationm/scripts/changeDate.groovy

if (msg.type != "Countries Series" || msg.product != "recordm" || msg.action != "add") return

log.info("Updating the date if necessary")
long date = msg.value("Year",Long)
long now = System.currentTimeMillis()

def response;
if (date > now) {
    def instanceId = msg.getId()
    response = recordm.update("Countries Series",instanceId,["Year":now])
    log.info("THE RESULT OF THE UPDATE IS: ${response.ok()}")

Question to the reader: What is the code doing ?

The following image shows the log of the script, which can be seen using the following commands:

ssh <server_name>@cultofbits.com
Figure 1. Log output.