# File structure of a CoB server

Each newly created server_* will have a default file structure, and it is vital to understand the purpose of each directory, as well as what it stores. The structure is visualized below:

# Top-level Files

  • .version - This file is included in every server and is used for version management purposes: it contains the version number of cob-cli installed on this server. Since cob-cli handles server files this data is crucial.
  • customizations.json - Contains the version number and name of all the customizations available on the server.

# Sub-folders

  • environments (opens new window) - Environments are a mechanism that allows users to maintain some seperate files in seperate machines while maintaing a common code base. The different enverionments available in a server are specified here.
  • others - This folder contains all the files of the independent applications that are not directly implemented on CoB solutions even if they use some of its internal services through the REST API. Additionally, code belonging to projects that is not directly related to the internal CoB services but is nevertheless needed to run the application, will also be stored in this folder.
  • recordm-importer - Holds all the configuration files and Groovy scripts used to configure RecordM Importer.
  • reportm - Configuration files for ReportM. This folder and its subfolders may not always be present, since not all solutions use ReportM.
  • userm - UserM configuration files. Normally there is no need to change this folder and its files and subfolders.
  • integrationm (opens new window) - Holds all the files for IntegrationM, such as scripts and actions.
  • recordm (opens new window) - Contains data regarding RecordM, such as the front-end modifications to the product.