# cob-cli helper files

cob-cli makes use of 4 important files, all of which are located in /opt/cob-cli/ (inside a CoB server's machine). The files in question are the following:

  • lastDeployEnv
  • lastDeploySha
  • test.in.execution


This file simply keeps track (logs) the sequence of deploys that have been made. The logged information includes: time, the last commits between the current and previous deploy, and the user who ran the command. Exam

> cat DEPLOYLOG.md

2024-02-06 14:36 username [503a8ee/master]
	 * removed an unused import [503a8ee]
	 * restoring the state, cleaning the files previously pushed by mistake [c02cc04]
	 * added the js and the groovy customizations [f38fa44]

2024-02-13 10:01 username [5a8d043/master]
	 * initial dash slides testing version [5a8d043]

# lastDeploySha

To use the cob-cli test and cob-cli deploy commands, cob-cli needs to keep track of the commit signature used in the last deploy. This file simply stores the SHA value of the commit.

# lastDeployEnv

This file is similar to the previous one, except it keeps track of the last environment the deploy was made to. This is useful as you can force deploys of environments to different servers. For example, a fully tested qual environment being pushed to prod. (Check cob-cli deploy for more details).

# test.in.execution

This last file is very important for cob-cli. It contains information about current running tests - such as the files which are being tested and the name of the owner (user who is performing said tests). Important: this file only exists when one or more tests are running.

> cat test.in.execution
integrationm/concurrent/script_in_test_1.groovy by <user>
\integrationm/concurrent/script_in_test_2.groovy by <user>