# Interacting with a CoB Server
Interacting with a CoB server can become much more exciting once you learn how to use cob-cli
. As the initials suggest, cob stands for [C]ult [of] [Bits] and cli for [C]ommand [L]ine [I]nterface.
is a command line utility developed in Node.js and aimed at software developers that is used to simplify all tasks involving server customizations. Its main goal is to help Cult of Bits partners develop with higher speed and reusing common code and best practices.
From dashboards to UI modifications, as well as IntegrationM scripts and actions, cob-cli
is your valuable swiss army knife when it comes to talking with the CoB platform via the backend.
Usage: cob-cli command
CoB Command line to simplify server customizations
-v, --version output the current version
--setup add autocomplete to system profiles
--cleanup remove autocomplete from system profiles
-h, --help display help for command
getRepos <token> clone (or update) all cob accessible repositories on gitlab,
init [options] <servername> Initializes a server customization repository. Use <servername>.cultofbits.com (i.e. name without the
customize [options] [name] Interactive prompt to customize an aspect of the server
test [options] Test the customization
deploy [options] Deploy customization to the server
updateFromServer [options] Updates local copy with current files on server, in case of changes made out of standard process.
upgradeRepo Upgrade current repository to the last cob-cli version structure
getDefs [options] Updates local copy with definitions on server
generateMermaid [options] Generates mermaid diagram from Definitions
help [command] display help for command
But before you start using cob-cli
, you need to learn how to run it. First step is install it via npm.