# core.customizeAllColumns

Customize all columns of a search result that fit the given criteria.

# Usage:

core.customizeAllColumns(<regex>, function(cellContainer, esDoc, colDef) => {


Argument Description Required
regex Regex that will be used to match the definition name YES
function Callback function responsible to implement the custom action of an instance. YES

Function arguments:
Argument Description
cellContainer The DOM container for the current cell the function receives.
esDoc The instance itself for the current cell (or row).
colDef The definition of the current column the function receives.

# Example:

In this example, the customizeAllColumns customization is being used to show a small image preview, if the ticket has an image file attached. The image is only shown if the Tickets' instances have uploaded files, and they are recognized as a file (via extension). You can see a small preview of the attached images of their respective Tickets, and they can be downloaded by clicking them.

cob.custom.customize.push(function (core, utils, ui) {
  const DEFINITION_REGEX = "Tick.*";
  const imgFieldMatcher = /[$](image|file)(\(.+\))?/;
  const imgRegex = /([a-z\-_0-9\/\:\.]*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif))/i

  core.customizeAllColumns(DEFINITION_REGEX, function (node, esDoc, fieldInfo) {
    // Match column keywords with $file or $image
    if (imgFieldMatcher.test(fieldInfo.fieldDefDescription)) {
      for (let childNode of node.childNodes) {
        if (childNode.tagName == "A") {
          const imgLink = childNode.href
          if (imgLink && imgLink.match(imgRegex)) {
            childNode.innerHTML = `<img src='${imgLink}'>`
