# List of Special Characters

Special characters are neither alphabetic or numeric. The CoB platform relies on the ElasticSearch search engine, whose Query String syntax (opens new window) attributes a special meaning to special characters. To use them them in a literal search query, we need to escape them whenever we use them. We escape a special character by inserting a backslash - \- before it. In this article you will find examples of practical use. A list of all characters that can be escaped can be found below:

Character Name
+ Plus sign
- Minus sign
= Equals sign
&& Double ampersand
|| Double vertical bar
! Exclamation mark
( (opens) and ) (closes) Parentheses
{ and } Braces
[ and ] Square Brackets
^ Caret
" Double Quotes
~ Tilde
* Asterisk
? Question Mark
: Colon
\ Backslash
/ Slash