# Special Characters Search
Special characters - i.e., characters that are neither alphabetic or numeric - can perform a relevant role within the CoB platform search engine. Because they are part of the platform search syntax - which, in turn, relies on ElasticSearch's Query String syntax (opens new window) - , they have a special meaning when used inside the search box. Yet, we can only use them literally - without a special meaning - in a search query if we escape them whenever we use them. We escape a special character by inserting a backslash - \
- before it.
Please be aware that a syntax error preventing your query from running may occur in case you forget to escape these special characters.
The list of special characters include +
, -
, =
, &&
, ||
, >
, <
, !
, (
, )
, {
, }
, [
, ]
, ^
, "
, ~
, *
, ?
, :
, \
, and /
The characters <
and >
cannot be escaped at all. Thus, they can only be used to create a date-, numeric-, or string-based range (opens new window) with one side unbounded.
Examples: To search for the phrase one (any) answer
we will have to escape (
and )
, that is, we will have to write one \(any\) answer
. If we need to search for N\/A
, we'll have to write N\/A
- Initially, we attempt to search for a query with a special character without escaping it.
- We don't get any results.
- Only after we insert a backslash -
- before the character considered special does the search engine returns the results we expect.