# Slides Component

The Slides component is used to display Markdown content in a slides presentation. It also supports HTML, if used in conjunction with Markdown.

Parameter Description
Content Contains the Markdown content we want the component to transform into a slides presentation.
SlidesCustomize > EndOfContentTrigger Toggleable option to configure concurrent script calls that will be ran when finishing viewing the slides (after clicking Mark as Seen.
SlidesCustomize > ConcurrentScript Contains the name of the concurrent script we want to run.
SlidesCustomize > [DUP] SlidesArg Contains arguments that we want to pass into our concurrent script.

::: info If the EndOfContentTrigger option has been selected, and a ConcurrentScript is present, the Slides component will show a Mark as Seen button when reaching the final slide. Clicking this button will run the concurrent script previously configured. :::

# Creating a Slides Presentation with Markdown

Creating a presentation for the Slides component using markdown is straightforward. You can use the standard markdown syntax, with one key difference: horizontal separators (---). These separators are used to divide the content into individual slides within the presentation.

For example, the following Markdown will generate a presentation with 3 slides:

### SLIDE 1


### SLIDE 2

id: 76408
target: Manager

### SLIDE 3


The image below is the result of the Presentation generated (at the 2nd slide), inside a Dashboard:

User Keybinds
shortcuts Description
Arrow Keys Navigation
F Fullscreen
O Overview Mode (Displays the entire presentation as if you were "flying over it" )

# Example

### A Presentation on Client Support


### Creating Tickets

To create a ticket...


### Closing Tickets

This is a codeblock with a Ticket inside (...)