# Modal Activator

The modal activator component is one of the simplest components - its purpose is to display a modal. A pop up that appears above the dashboard, temporarily blocking access to it, while its contents are displayed.

# Defining the Modal Activator

To turn a dashboard component into a modal, simply enable the isModal property, as shown in the image below. Unlike most other properties, this is a simple on/off setting.

A board with this property enabled remains hidden during the normal dashboard display, so its placement is irrelevant. To reveal the modal, a ModalActivator component is used, which appears as a clickable link on the dashboard. When clicked, it displays the modal board.

The ModalActivator requires two parameters:

  • ModalBoardName: Specifies the name of the board marked with the isModal property that this activator will display. Multiple activators can be linked to the same modal by using the same value for this field, but each activator can only trigger one modal.
  • ModalActivatorText. The text that the ModalActivator will display as a link."

::: info A modal board (tagged with isModal) has different default classes than the ones displayed by default in the dashboard instance, but classes passed in this field will still affect it. :::

# Example

Consider the following dashboard setup. It contains several components, including a modal board and an activator.

Notice that the Help-Modal board is not visible by default. When you click the See Help link, which serves as the ModalActivator component, the modal pops up: