# core.addCustomBatchAction

Allows addition of custom batch operations. With this customization, you can implement actions that run on multiple selected instances (in a listing).

# Usage:

    key: `<generic-key-for-action>`,
    label: "<label-of-the-button>",
    group: "<the-group-button-name>",
    isAllowed: function(definitionM){
        return true or false
    execute: function(definitionId, indexedInstancesM, ctx) {
    executeOnQuery: async function(definitionId, query, ctx) {


Argument Description Required
key A key that serves as an identifier for that action. YES
label Name of the action. Also the name that appears in the action button. YES
group Name of the group we wish to show this action under. If multiple actions, with different names, share the same group, they will appear as children of said group. YES
isAllowed Function responsible for making sure if running this action is allowed for a given definition. YES
execute Function responsible for executing the actual batch action we wish to run on our selected instances.
executeOnQuery Same goal as execute, but it is ran in cases when all the selected instances are NOT shown on a listing (meaning part of them are in the next page of the listing for example) - i.e when all of the selected instances are not visible in the current page.

# isAllowed function arguments:

Argument Description
definitionM Information regarding the current (seen) definition.

# execute function arguments:

Argument Description
definitionId ID of the current definition.
indexedInstancesM List with the selected instances.
{columnLabels, presenter} Respectively, column names and object responsible for showing listing.

# executeOnQuery function arguments:

Argument Description
definitionM Information regarding the current (seen) definition.
query The query that was used to selected / view all the selected instances.
{columnLabels, presenter} Respectively, column names and object responsible for showing listing.

# Example:

For this example, we programmed a custom batch action that sets the set the selected Tickets' state to 'Done'.

cob.custom.customize.push(function (core, utils, ui) {
  const DEFINITION = "Tickets";

    key: `tickets-set-done`, 
    label: "Mark as Done", 
    group: "Ticket Operations",
    isAllowed: function (definitionM) { 
			return definitionM['data']['name'] === DEFINITION 
    execute: function (definitionId, indexedInstancesM, {columnLabels, presenter}) {
      indexedInstancesM.forEach(async (instance) => {
        if (instance['data']['state'][0] === "Open") {
          const updates = {
            "type": DEFINITION, "condition": `id:${instance['data']['instanceId']}`,
            "values": {
              "State": "Done"
          await axios.put("/recordm/recordm/instances/integration", updates)
    executeOnQuery: async function (definitionId, query, {columnLabels, presenter}) {