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Introduction: Planning the Survey

DescriptionAn online survey application where participants can evaluate the wines they tasted in a wine tasting event.
ClientA business whose main activity consists in promoting monthly wine tasting events.
How it WorksThe survey allows the tasters to evaluate the wine they have just tasted according to three sets of assessment factors: Sight, Flavour, and Taste. Each of these includes more specific aspects. Moreover, while all the 10 evaluation criteria have the same qualitative scale - ranging from Weak to Very Good/Excellent -, each of them has a different weighting. The final grade of a wine varies between 50 and 100 points. An additional evaluation criterion under analysis is the price-quality ratio of each wine.

For Participants

For Organizers

These types of events normally include a small survey after each wine tasting session so that the tasters can evaluate the wine they have just tasted according to a set of criteria. In our case, we can think of three sets of assessment factors: Sight, Flavour, and Taste. Each of these will then include more specific aspects, as you can see in the image below. Moreover, while all the 10 evaluation criteria will have the same qualitative scale - ranging from Weak to Very Good/Excellent -, each of them will have a different weighting. The final grade of a wine will vary between 50 and 100 points.

Besides the evaluation criteria included in the online survey, the price-quality ratio of each wine will later on also be under analysis.

Since the business owner is environmentally conscious and want to reduce tree cutting, he/she starts thinking about a totally paperless and online solution - a solution that is also able to guarantee the authentication of all the wine tasters that were previously invited via email by the organizer of the current monthly event. Here comes the CoB platform to the rescue!

Our platform can help you build a small Web application where before each wine tasting, all wine tasters receive an email containing an invite to the event sent by the organizer. Besides information about the event (name, location, date & time, and the name of the organizer), this invite includes links to several online surveys, one for each wine.

After tasting each wine, the taster can then click on the appropriate link to give his/her assessment of that wine. The end result will be a user interface similar to the one below: